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Political Geography and Ownership of the Oceans
Political Geography and Ownership of the Oceans The control and responsibility for seas has for quite some time been a dubious theme. Sin...
Friday, November 29, 2019
Apprentice Catering Assistant Essay
Apprentice Catering Assistant Essay Apprentice Catering Assistant Essay Apprentice Catering Assistant x 1 Employer : Vision West Nottinghamshire College Location: Vision West Nottinghamshire College Derby Road Mansfield NG18 5BH Sector: Retail and Commercial Enterprise Framework: Level 2 Food Service Duration: 15-18 Months AVoL Ref: VAC000483686 Listing Date: 15/08/2014 Closing Date: 31/08/2014 Interview Date: 08/09/2014 Start Date: 15/09/2014 Who are Vision Apprentices? Vision Apprentices is a national recruitment specialist responsible for the recruitment and selection of apprentices into roles with our clients across the country. We work with a large range of businesses in a number of sectors that offer an extensive range of apprenticeships in a diverse selection of careers. We are a subsidiary company of Vision West Nottinghamshire College centres throughout the. For more information please visit our website – www.visionapprentices.co.uk Who is the employer? Where will I be working? Vision West Nottinghamshire College is widely regarded as one of the largest and most successful colleges in the country, offering a wide range of curriculum to meet both the needs of individuals and employers locally, regionally and nationally. The college also owns a number of subsidiary companies that are engaged with the provision of training as well as the development of commercial software products. The college offers training in all major industry sectors and at all levels from pre-GCSE to full degree level. Approaching 30,000 students the college prides itself on providing high quality education and training. The College enjoys a strong financial position and currently holds the Investors in People Gold status to recognise our excellence in developing and supporting staff. There has been significant investment in college facilities, providing an environment that mirrors industry, giving students real life situations and opportunity to learn in state of the art facilities. Why should I apply? What makes this apprenticeship great? The role will require you to take on and work to the college’s values; putting the needs of your Professionalism, taking Responsibility for your actions, and giving Respect to clients and colleagues alike. What work will I be doing? What duties and responsibilities will I have? Catering assistants are key people in helping us develop a high quality food and beverage service, to the satisfaction of our customers. We operate over a number of outlets on College sites, from a full meal service, through to snacks and vending. You should have a friendly and outgoing personality, a flexible approach to working within the team, be customer focused and have the ability to meet high standards of service. You should be able to relate to both staff and students, of all ages and abilities. Main Duties and Responsibilities a) Assist in the preparation of working, service and dining areas. b) Assist in the preparation and service of food and beverage items. c) Clearing and cleaning of all service, preparation and dining areas, equipment and utensils. d) Receive delivery of goods, following appropriate procedures. e) Promote a good customer relationship in a professional manner. f) Assist the smooth running of the unit especially in times of illness of work colleagues. g) Attend all training sessions as required. h) Carry out any duties, as directed, relating to the needs of the business. i) Also specific duties as designated by work rota. Servery a) Ensure a variety of goods are available for sale. b) Ensure all drinks dispensing machines are fully stocked, clean and in working order. c) Ensure service area is clean and tidy at all times. d) Take, record and action, if necessary, food temperatures. e) Take, record and action, if necessary, equipment temperatures. f) Notify cook as food items need replenishing. g) Cleaning duties as directed. Till Area a) Ensure till is attended at all times. b) Ensure sufficient change is available for service. c)
Monday, November 25, 2019
Free Essays on Teenage Abortion
Teenage abortion has become a complicated issue in today’s time. The decision we are faced with is â€Å"Who Chooses†, the parent or their pregnant teenage daughter. Most parents are informed and support their daughter’s decision whatever that decision might be. There are a few teenage girls who do not inform their parents they are pregnant and want to have an abortion. Instead they have illegal abortions or travel out of state to have an abortion done because it is illegal in their home state. Teenage abortion is on the increase; it is a never-ending battle that poses a legal, medical, social and moral dilemma. Many legal battles have been fought in the United States over the issue of abortion. Merz states that the earliest American law on abortion was based on the British common law. In addition, Merz says until 1803 the British common law did not view abortion as a crime if it was performed before the fetus â€Å"quickened†. Since a fetus is not yet a baby, does the unborn child have the capacity to feel pain? Doctors today know that unborn children can feel a touch within the womb and that they respond to pain (Reagan 31). In the 1800 time period abortions were legal but in the 1900’s they became illegal in the United States. Merz reveals that in 1973 the Supreme Court, in the Roe v. Wade case decreed that a constitutional â€Å"right to privacy†gave women the right to choose. On the other hand, American Medical Associates in 1970 affirmed abortion was a medical procedure and was to be performed on grounds of â€Å"sound clinical judgment†(Burtchaell 61). The Allan Gullmacher Institution reports that in the United States about half of the states have enacted laws requiring minors seeking abortion to have parental consent. Abortion is induced termination of pregnancy before the embryo or fetus is able to survive on its own. According to Merz, there are several abortion methods: induced abortion is the m... Free Essays on Teenage Abortion Free Essays on Teenage Abortion Teenage abortion has become a complicated issue in today’s time. The decision we are faced with is â€Å"Who Chooses†, the parent or their pregnant teenage daughter. Most parents are informed and support their daughter’s decision whatever that decision might be. There are a few teenage girls who do not inform their parents they are pregnant and want to have an abortion. Instead they have illegal abortions or travel out of state to have an abortion done because it is illegal in their home state. Teenage abortion is on the increase; it is a never-ending battle that poses a legal, medical, social and moral dilemma. Many legal battles have been fought in the United States over the issue of abortion. Merz states that the earliest American law on abortion was based on the British common law. In addition, Merz says until 1803 the British common law did not view abortion as a crime if it was performed before the fetus â€Å"quickened†. Since a fetus is not yet a baby, does the unborn child have the capacity to feel pain? Doctors today know that unborn children can feel a touch within the womb and that they respond to pain (Reagan 31). In the 1800 time period abortions were legal but in the 1900’s they became illegal in the United States. Merz reveals that in 1973 the Supreme Court, in the Roe v. Wade case decreed that a constitutional â€Å"right to privacy†gave women the right to choose. On the other hand, American Medical Associates in 1970 affirmed abortion was a medical procedure and was to be performed on grounds of â€Å"sound clinical judgment†(Burtchaell 61). The Allan Gullmacher Institution reports that in the United States about half of the states have enacted laws requiring minors seeking abortion to have parental consent. Abortion is induced termination of pregnancy before the embryo or fetus is able to survive on its own. According to Merz, there are several abortion methods: induced abortion is the m...
Friday, November 22, 2019
Professional development Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Professional development - Coursework Example The key trends in the specialty of occupational health nurses include electronic records to integrate primary care and occupational health. This is the biggest change that is happening to the health care reforms particularly for the occupational health nurses. Use of electronic records will ensure employees are treated for personal medical issues by use of on-site clinic (American Association of Occupational Health Nurses). There is need for resources and for the relevant management to acknowledge the significance of occupational medicine or occupational health. The managers need to understand the cases and why we insist on occupational health on a daily basis. Most people who are outside the field have no knowledge what the occupational nurses do. Another trend that I notice in the American association of occupational hazard nurses is increase in OSHA surveillance and more awareness concerning environmental hazards and their impacts (American Association of Occupational Health Nurses). Environmental health is the main aspect of occupational medicine. Most nurses are starting to recognize the need for patient advocacy. Patients are helped by the occupational health nurses to navigate through surgeries since they are sort of case managers. The occupational health nurses carry out activities that determine whether a section of workers is suffering from an occupational illness because of exposure to certain hazards. Currently, employees are exposed to human blood, animals and other body fluids, viruses and bacteria. By increased health surveillance, more employees who have been exposed to infectious biological agents have gone through immunization. Health surveillance operates on the basis on environmental assessment, and the exposures are evaluated and documented. Health promotion and protection is yet another trend within the occupational health nurses. The nurses are aware that they are responsible for health
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Creating A Safe Environment Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1
Creating A Safe Environment - Assignment Example In addition, game is a kind of peculiar way of the social experience assimilation. Game forms and develops all aspects of the childs personality, preparing child’s psyche to the transition to a new, higher stage of development. Plot-role-playing games, or in other words, games that are created by the children themselves, take a special place in the activities of preschool children. During such games children reproduce in the roles all the things that they see around them in the life of adults. In the game the child begins to feel like a member of the team, it can fairly evaluate the actions and deeds of his comrades and his own (Strauman†Raymond, Lie, and Kempf†Berkseth 257). 1. The main content of the game is the actions with objects. They are carried out in sequence, but this sequence is often violated. The chain of actions is the plot itself. Children like to play with adults, while independent game is short. Typically, the stimulus is an occurrence of the game or toy item that was previously used in other game. 2. The main content of the game - is the subject of the actions. These actions are deployed more fully and consistently in accordance with the role, which is already indicated by the word. Procedure becomes the rule. The same game can be repeated many times. Toys are not pre-selected, but the children often use the same - favorite toys. Into the game can already be involved 2-3 children. 3. The main content of the game - is the action with objects. However, they are complemented by actions aimed at establishing a variety of contacts with partners in the game. Roles are clearly defined and distributed before the game. Toys and objects are selected (usually during the game), in accordance with the role. The logic, the nature of actions and their direction is determined by the role. It has become the main rule. 4. The main content of the game - a reflection of adult relationships and interactions with each other. Subjects
Monday, November 18, 2019
ECO201-MicroEconomics Mod 5 CBT Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
ECO201-MicroEconomics Mod 5 CBT - Essay Example With higher profitability, the company is able to have the financial capacity to improve its technology through additional investment. Improvement in technology and bargaining power over its suppliers make it harder for small-scale players to compete with the existing large-scale companies. Not only will the company with highly improved technology be able to produce more product to meet the market demand but also offer a better quality product to the consumers. Therefore, it is more likely that the market structure with cartels is an oligopoly – also known as having a fewer big-time players in the market. Basically, a cartel prohibits a perfect competition to occur since big players within the same industry are able to openly discuss about the fixed price big multinational companies will impose on homogenous products. to compete more on improving the quality of homogenous products they offer to the consumers aside from its marketing and promotional activities. In the process, these companies are required to compete in the market through product differentiation and product diversification. (Salin, 1996: pp. 37 – 38) Basically, the profitability of a large multinational company that manufacture shampoo product may invest some money in research and development in order to enable the company to innovate new product that could stimulate the interest of its target consumers. A good example was when arometherapy gain popularity in the market. In line with aromatherapy, a well-known shampoo brand called Palmolive under Colgate-Palmolive started to produce shampoo with different scent of aromatherapy. (Colgate, 2008) Given that large-scale multinational companies that are into cartel situation still has to compete for the same market. For this reason businesses that are able to continuously develop new strategies and innovates new products that could arouse the interest of its target market are the
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Analysing The Effects Of The Earth Summits Politics Essay
Analysing The Effects Of The Earth Summits Politics Essay As early as the 1960s governments began to realise that human activity was damaging the environment. Governments around the world recognised that something had to be done, which resulted in the first international gathering about the human interaction with the environment, known as the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment, which was held in Stockholm in June 1972. This was the first of several global environmental meetings and it laid the foundation for international action to protect the environment. Three major treaties were drawn up in subsequent international environmental conferences; these were the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development, the Kyoto Protocol and the Copenhagen Accord. In 1992, five years after the Brundtland Report was published, the Rio Earth summit was held. It was held from the 3rd 14th June in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The aim of the Rio Earth summit was to review the Declaration of the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment, implemented at Stockholm on 16th June 1972 and look for more ways to work together to create a more sustainable future. The Earth summit was the largest environmental conference ever held with over 100 heads of state attending. Five agreements were drawn up during the Earth summit; The Convention on Biological Diversity, The Framework Convention on Climate Change, Principles of Forest Management, Agenda 21 and the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development. The Rio Declaration on Environment and Development, often shortened to the Rio Declaration, builds on the basic proposals set out in 1972 at the UN Conference on the Human Environment. It consisted of 27 principles designed to guide governments on ways to halt the destruction of irreplaceable natural resources and pollution of the planet (United Nations Department of Public Information, 1997) and to guide sustainable development around the world (Towards-Sustainability, 2000). One key point of the Rio Declaration was that current development must not damage the environmental and developmental requirements of the present and future generations. Therefore, environmental protection should no longer be thought of as independent from the development of a nation. Also, nations should make a concerted effort to reduce and eliminate unsustainable patterns of production and consumption (C-FAM, 1992). As a result a great deal of research is ongoing to create alternative sources of energy to replace fossil fuels. Another key principle was that nations could explore their own resources provided that they did not cause environmental damage outside their borders and that international laws needed to be set up to compensate for damage caused by nations to areas beyond their borders. This led to the proposal that The polluter should, in principle, bear the cost of pollution (C-FAM, 1992). A further key principle of the Rio Declaration was that eradicating poverty and reducing disparities in living standards in different parts of the world are essential to achieve sustainable development (International Institute for Sustainable Development, 1997). Reducing the difference in living standards around the world is important for future sustainable development because if each nation has the same standard of living they will be more inclined to share the latest scientific findings and new technologies to protect the environment. The main message of the Rio Declaration was that nations attitudes and activities would have to be adjusted, to ensure that long term economic progress would be linked with the protection of the environment. Also, international agreements that were designed to protect the environment, while allowing the development of a nation, would have to be created. The Rio Declaration committed countries, including the UK, to be more sustainable whilst creating guidelines for a more sustainable future (Atmosphere, Climate Environment Information Programme, 2000). This has been beneficial because governments and businesses have become more eco-efficient and are creating eco-friendly products. During the Rio earth summit five agreements had been established, making it the most extensive and obliging plan of action ever accepted by the international community. The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) negotiated the Kyoto Protocol treaty in the Japanese city of Kyoto in December 1997. It was originally ratified by 140 countries and it came into effect on the 16th February 2005. By 18th April 2006 168 countries had signed the Kyoto Protocol and by 3rd December 2007 this number had risen to 175. It is a legally binding international agreement imposing limits on emissions of greenhouse gases that are blamed for rising world temperatures. The gases that were considered to be greenhouse gases were carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, sulphur hexafluoride, HFCs and PFCs. Industrialised countries agreed to reduce their collective emissions of greenhouse gases by 5.2% (UNFCCC, 1997) compared to their emissions in the 1990. Through the Kyoto protocol 37 industrialised countries were set binding targets, the UK committed itself to reducing its emissions to 12.5% below its 1990 levels by 2012. The European Union agreed to reduce its emissions by 8%. The US, the worlds largest emitter of greenhouse gases (approximately 25%), had approved a 7% reduction in emissions, however in 2001 this was denounced by President George Bush stating that it would harm the economy and is flawed by the lack of restrictions on emissions by emerging economies China and India (The Guardian, 2005). Not all industrialised countries were set goals of reduced emissions, Australias greenhouse gas emissions were permitted an increase of 8% compared to their 1990 levels and Icelands emissions were allowed an increase of 10%. The commencement of the Kyoto protocol was delayed by the requirement that at least 55 countries, accounting for at least 55% of the worlds 1990 carbon dioxide emissions must ratify it. This was reached when Russia signed up on 18th November 2004, nearly seven years after the treaty was negotiated. The Kyoto Protocol established three mechanisms for nations to reduce their emissions; Joint Implementation, Clean Development Mechanism and International Emissions Trading. Joint Implementation allowed a nation that had committed itself to an emission reduction target under the Kyoto Protocol to earn emission reduction units (ERUs) when they invested in projects that reduce emissions in another country with an emission reduction target under the Kyoto Protocol. Each ERU was equivalent to one tonne of carbon dioxide, which could be used to help the investing country towards reaching their emission reduction target. This offered countries a flexible method of reducing their emissions while also helping another country to develop emission reducing technology. The Clean Development Mechanism allowed a country with an emission reduction target to earn certified emission reduction (CER) credits when they invested in projects to reduce emissions in developing countries that do not have an emission target. Each CER was equal to one tonne of carbon dioxide. Both ERUs and CERs could be sold and traded like any other commodity, encouraging governments to invest in emission reducing projects and technologies. Countries emission reduction targets are stated as assigned amounts, these were divided into assigned amount units (AAUs) to cover the 2008 2012 commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol. International Emissions Trading allowed countries with spare AAUs to sell them on an international carbon trading market. In the opinions of many climate scientists the 5% reduction in emissions from industrialised countries set out by the Kyoto Protocol does not do nearly enough, they claim that a cut of around 60% is needed to avoid the worst consequences of global warming (The Guardian, 2005). Also currently a number of countries have not met their emissions targets, so even the 5% reduction in emissions planned by the Kyoto Protocol may not be reached. Furthermore without the support of the US, who accounts for approximately 25% of the global greenhouse gases emissions, climate scientists have described the agreement as toothless and virtually obsolete (The Guardian, 2005). However it can be argued that the legally binding Kyoto Protocol has set out a framework on which future negotiations could be based (The Telegraph, 2005) and has encouraged sustainable development by creating several market mechanisms allowing emissions trading. It has also promoted sustainable development by supporting renewable energy advances and other environmentally friendly technologies. The symbolic value of the Kyoto Protocol may have been its greatest asset because to see governments attempting to work together to provide sustainable development is better than to see no attempt at all. The UNFCCC held the Copenhagen Climate Conference at the Bella Center in Copenhagen, Denmark from 8th 17th December 2009. It is often known as COP15 as it is the 15th Conference of Parties, to which nearly 200 countries attended in an attempt to find a global consensus on how to most effectively structure a post-Kyoto regulatory framework to cap greenhouse gas emission (Climatelab, 2009). The aim of the conference was to negotiate an agreement to come into effect when the commitment period of the Kyoto agreement expired in 2012. The conference resulted in the creation of the Copenhagen Accord, which called on participating countries to pledge specific actions they will undertake to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions (Pew Center on Global Climate Change, 2009); however the accord is a non-binding agreement so nations have no legal obligation to carry out these pledges. The Accord recognised that the global temperature rise should be limited to 2 °C; however this was not adopted as a target. The original draft had included targets for 2020 for industrialised countries and 2050 for global and industrialised countries, though these were omitted from the final draft of the accord. The accord included a commitment from industrialised countries to provide climate financing for developing countries of $30bn for 2010-2012 (The EFA Group, 2009). As of 16th September 2010, 111 parties had either submitted 2020 emissions targets, submitted mitigation actions or associated themselves with the accord. The EU agreed to reduce their emissions by 20 30% compared to their 1990 levels, provided that other developed countries commit themselves to comparable emission reductions (UNFCCC, 2009). The US agreed to reduce their emissions by approximately 17% below 2005 levels. A breakdown in negotiations prevented a text that would have created a market mechanism to credit reduced emissions from deforestation and degradation from being adopted in the Accord. A problem with the Copenhagen Accord is that it allows industrialised nations to set their own emission reduction targets. The Pew Center on Global Climate Change analysed the Copenhagen Accord and found that the pledges are inadequate to achieve a 2-degree goal Pledges by developed countries would reduce their emissions 10 percent to 13 percent below BAU (business as usual) in 2020 (Pew Center on Global Climate Change, 2009). An analysis by PricewaterhouseCoopers concluded that these promises made by developed countries would only provide half of the emission reduction requirements to avoid a global temperature rise above 2 °C. The Copenhagen Accord is very different from the Kyoto Protocol as it is not a legally binding agreement and if the accord is used as a foundation to new climate change treaties, the number of countries complying with the Kyoto Protocol is like to be reduced as there is little incentive to trade carbon credits. The Accord threatens the establishment of a global carbon market due to its lack of progression towards a legally binding climate agreement. Environmental protection is always going to be challenging due to the different attitudes of nations. Many of the developed nations want environmental sustainability while developing countries want to be allowed to develop economically and socially. It is also going to be difficult due to the increasing global population and the resulting increase in consumption rates. However, in my opinion the Kyoto Protocol has been the most effective treaty designed to provide a sustainable future. This is because was a legally binding agreement that committed industrialised countries to reduce their collective emissions of greenhouse gases by a set amount (5.2%). Also, the Kyoto Protocol created market mechanisms allowing emissions trading, encouraging nations to strive to reach their emission reduction target. One of the main drawbacks of the Kyoto Protocol is that it is not backed by the US who is a major emitter of greenhouse gases. The Rio Declaration was admirable because it caused governments and businesses to change the attitudes they had toward environmental protection and led to them becoming more eco-efficient and creating eco-friendly products. Nevertheless, there were still many negative incentives offered by countries and businesses that promoted people to continue being wasteful consumers. In my opinion the least effective environmental treaty has been the Copenhagen Accord because its non-binding goals are inadequate to stop a global temperature rise of 2 °C. Also, the need to create a global carbon market has not been met.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Movie Essay - A Comparison of Satire in Voltaires Candide and the Film
Satire in Candide and Lexx Voltaire's Candide is a story about a young man learning about the realities of the world; realities he never could have believed to happen in life because his education heavily involves the idea that this is the "best of all worlds." Salter Street Films' Lexx is a story about a group of misfit adventurers and the calamity that befalls them after they steal the Lexx, a Manhattan-sized insect with the ability to destroy planets. Though the two stories have more in common than one might expect, given the difference of medium, much more is different between the two, even with satire present in both The first and most obvious difference between Candide and Lexx is the setting of the two. The Earth as visited by the Lexx is, in itself, unrealistic with its portrayal of everything we consider 'normal' being completely outlandish to the crew. It also follows that if the settings are drastically different, the characters must be as well. Kai is not only an assassin and last of the Brunnen-G, but he has been dead for six thousand years. Stanley Tweedle, captain of the Lexx, has seen enough while traveling on the giant insect to know that such is not the case. The characters between the two stories even journey with different methods; while the cast of Lexx travels through the Light and Dark Universes on an insect spaceship, the cast of Candide travels around the Earth on foot or by transportation such as boats. Even the crew of the Lexx travels around Earth not by such methods, but by using the giant Moths grown on their ship. The second, and perhaps most important difference between Candide and Lexx is the methods by which the two stories satirize things. As typical of most mode... ...asm comes when the Lexx has finished its meal and, on its way back to orbiting the moon, lets out a burp and licks its chops. The one exception to season four's satire is the series finale during which, among other things, 790 fools the now-senile Lexx into destroying the Earth. This is the ship's final shot before it passes on of old age. Satire is nothing new. Things have been wrong in the world since recorded history and there have always, and will always be people to criticize the flaws in the way things work. While satire today is often told differently then that of Voltaire's time, the principle is certainly the same. Works Cited Lexx. Screenplays by Paul Donovan, Lex Gigeroff, and Jeff Hirschfield. Sci-Fi channel. Produced by Salter Street Productions. 1997-2002. Voltaire. Candide. Trans. Lowell Bair. Bantam Books. New York, 1959.
Monday, November 11, 2019
An Analysis Of Water Distillation Environmental Sciences Essay
Water is a tasteless, odorless, and about colorless ( it has a little intimation of blue ) substance in its pure signifier that is indispensable to all known signifiers of life and is known besides as the most cosmopolitan dissolver. Water is an abundant substance on Earth. It exists in many topographic points and signifiers. It appears largely in the oceans and polar ice caps, but besides as clouds, rain H2O, rivers, fresh water aquifers, and sea ice. On the planet, H2O is continuously traveling through the rhythm affecting vaporization, precipitation, and overflow to the sea. Water tantrum for human ingestion is called drinkable H2O. This natural resource is going scarcer in certain topographic points as human population in those topographic points additions, and its handiness is a major societal and economic concern. 2.2. DISTILLED Water Distilled H2O is purified H2O which is prepared by the procedure of distillment. In this procedure, H2O is heated till it is converted to steam or vapor, dividing all the present drosss. The vapour obtained is condensed back to its liquid signifier and is known as distilled H2O. .Fig-3-Making-Distilled-Water-in-the-Laboratory Properties of Distilled H2O: Because of its comparative pureness, some of the belongingss of distilled H2O are significantly different from those of the H2O most people consume and use in mundane life. A potentially unsafe belongings of distilled H2O is that it can be heated above its boiling point without demoing the normal features of boiling, called superheating. When the superheated H2O is disturbed or has drosss added to it, a sudden, explosive furuncle occurs, perchance doing serious hurt to anyone near it. Temperature 00 C Density ( & A ; Atilde ; -1000 Kg/m3 ) 1 Viscosity 1.79 x 10-3 Kinematic Viscosity 1.79 x 10-6 Surface tenseness ( N/m ) 7.56 x 10-6 Bulk modulus 1.99 Preparation of Distilled Water: The quality or status and pureness of distilled H2O depends the three chief factors: The H2O The setup used for distillment The method employed. The chief trouble in transporting out the operation of condensing the H2O on an extended graduated table is the subsequent chilling and the cost of distilling. Water: A pure good or spring-water, filtered, is the best to fix distilled H2O from. Rain-water, being by and large good loaded with organic affair and ammonium hydroxide, would interfere with the pureness of the distillation. Boiled H2O can be used for distillment. Boiling would drive off about the last hint of ammonium hydroxide. Odorous, colored or cloudy H2O furnishes an impure distillation that might even acquire a charred gustatory sensation if distilled over a free fire. Ammonia is found particularly in the first parts of the distillation. Distillation setup: Early distillment equipment was really simple in design: a pot of undrinkable H2O ( or H2O unfit for a ceremonial, commercial, or medical intent ) would be heated over an unfastened fire until it boiled, organizing steam. The steam would so distill on a cool surface suspended above the pot. The condensed H2O droplets would so run off into a storage container for future usage. dist-fg1 Alternatively, sponges could be suspended above the pot to roll up the treated H2O. While such systems were comparatively inefficient, it tended to be rather equal for the limited H2O intervention demands of the clip. The efficiency of the distillment procedure began to see betterments as distillment was adapted to commercially polish many different liquids such as intoxicant, aroma, crude oil, and assorted dissolvers. Finally, population demands have strained H2O resources in the twentieth century to the point where expeditiously handling otherwise undrinkable beginnings of H2O for human ingestion is progressively of import. fig11-1 Principle of Distillation: The procedure of condensing H2O is a method of purification affecting heat. Water has comparatively lower boiling point than the bulk of drosss, such as minerals. By maintaining the heat at a consistent temperature, the H2O vaporizes and is separated from the unsought elements. The stairss involved in distillment of H2O are: Heating of H2O Separation of H2O vapour from drosss Condensation of the H2O vapour The unwanted elements include minerals and salts, which remain in the container after the H2O evaporates, are collected and discarded. Typically the distillment procedure is repeated at least one more clip to thoroughly purify the H2O. 2.3. TYPES OF Distillation There are two types of distillment Household distillment Commercial distillment Household distillment: Single-effect distillers: The most common type of family and commercial distiller available is a basic, single-effect distiller. These distillers can be either batch distillers, where a mensural measure of H2O is manually poured in, distilled, and collected ; or plumbed distillers that automatically treat and maintain a changeless supply of imbibing H2O. Working: In a single-effect distiller, a warming component heats the H2O until it boils and finally becomes steam. The steam is so drawn off from the boiling chamber, where it cools ; distilling into extremely treated distilled H2O. The contaminations in the original H2O are left behind in the boiling chamber. The condensation procedure is accomplished by utilizing air or H2O to chill the steam. Water droplets condense on the interior of the conic dome, and run down for aggregation in a trickle pan. With some water-cooled systems, a part of the heat lost as the steam is cooled and condensed can be reclaimed by imparting the heated chilling H2O into the boiling chamber. It is so replaced with fresh, cool H2O. braunschweig_05 Advantages of Single-effect distillers: Simple in design, cheap, and effectual. They are less efficient in energy usage Relatively compact counter top or stand-alone units for usage in the kitchen or office. Disadvantages: Even though the distillment procedure is effectual, pesticides and contaminations like volatile organic compounds convert into vapor readily, and can go with the steam our of the boiling chamber. Care of distillment unit: Distillation units do necessitate some care, which normally involves run outing off the concentrated deposit and other contaminations that accumulate at the underside of the boiling chamber. The walls of the chamber may besides necessitate to be cleaned of hard-water graduated table and other deposit that can roll up. The needed sum of cleaning depends greatly upon the initial quality of H2O used. Very difficult H2O can bring forth heavy grading in a comparatively short period of clip. If soft H2O is used, cleaning troubles should be minimum. The C pre- and post-filters must be changed sporadically every bit good. Commercial distillment: Commercial distillment units provide distilled H2O for industries and distilleries. They provide from few to 1000000s of gallons of distilled H2O per twenty-four hours. The two chief types of commercial distillers are: Multiple Effect distiller Vapor-compression distiller Multiple Effect distillers: Multiple Effect distillers provide from 75 to 1000000s of gallons per twenty-four hours. These units typically contain a figure of boiling Chamberss, with the first chamber being under increased force per unit area, and consecutive Chamberss holding increasingly diminishing force per unit area. The steam created in the first hard-hitting chamber is superheated. The superheated steam moves through tubings environing each of the wining boiling Chamberss As the steam moves it besides vaporizes some of the lower-pressure H2O in each chamber. The vapour is so condensed into distilled H2O, as is the superheated steam when all of its heat energy is exchanged. Vapor-compression distiller: A fluctuation of the multiple-effect distiller construct is the vapor-compression distiller, which is typically used in commercial applications necessitating between 25 and 5000 gallons per twenty-four hours. Vapor-compression H2O distillers besides use high-pressure, superheated steam to boil H2O ; nevertheless, they merely use a individual chamber. The H2O in the boiling chamber is ab initio converted to steam at normal force per unit areas and temperatures by an electric or gas warming component. The steam so passes through an electric compressor ; the compaction causes it to go superheated. The superheated steam is so directed through tubings back into the boiling chamber, where it finally takes over the boiling procedure, distilling into distilled H2O as the heat transportation occurs. Both multi-stage and vapor-compression distillers can integrate assorted signifiers of filtration to do a loosely effectual intervention system. These systems can supply H2O for such utilizations as commercial H2O bottling. Both systems besides require H2O that is softened to be practical, to forestall enfeebling scaling with attendant heat transportation losingss and care costs. At the municipal degree, both multi-stage and vapor-compression distillment can supply big measures of distilled H2O for imbibing usage, and are particularly used in condensing saltwater for usage in waterless countries adjacent to the oceans. Uses of distilled H2O: Used in chemical workss where an exact quality of H2O is required, such as for make fulling up wet-cell batteries, development of photographic movies, steam ironing Used to fix endovenous solution fabrication and dilution. Its usage is besides recommended while doing baby nutrients because babes are really sensitive to H2O borne diseases. It is used in assorted industries and chemical and biological research labs where extremely purified H2O is indispensable. Sometimes, in instances where an exceptionally high grade of purified H2O is required, dual distilled H2O is used. It is used as coolant in atomic powered ships. Here, saltwater is desalinated through the procedure of distillment. This H2O is besides used by the crews of the ships for imbibing. It is used for doing assorted drinks by many drink makers to determine a high quality merchandise in footings of both gustatory sensation every bit good as pureness. Lead acid batteries used in vehicles like autos and trucks require a top-up of H2O at regular intervals of clip. Presence of assorted ions in field tap H2O can do harm to the battery and lead to decrease in its lifetime. It is frequently preferred to tap H2O in automotive chilling systems excessively. This is because the ions and minerals present in tap H2O are normally caustic in nature and tend to pass over out the anti-corrosive additives present in the radiator. It is first-class for tegument as it is barren of any harmful dissolved substances, and helps in barricading of microscopic pores on facial tegument. It is used during surgical processs where clean H2O is a must to forestall any sort of infection. For the really same ground, it is besides used to rinse and clean lesions. 2.3. Storage Distillation does non vouch the absence of bacteriums in imbibing H2O, unless the reservoir and/or bottle are sterilized before being filled, and one time the bottle has been opened, there is a hazard of presence of bacteriums. Further if the distilled H2O is non stored in a proper mode it will absorb elements from the ambiance like C dioxide etc. Besides the stuff in which the distilled H2O is stored must be taken attention and the most preferred stuff is glass as it has had several centuries of proving for the storage of distilled H2O for which the result has been positive. There are assorted storage containers besides available for the storage of distilled H2O.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
The First Amendment essays
The First Amendment essays In 1777, the Continental Congress adopted a set of rules known as the Articles of Confederation. From these meager beginnings sprang thirteen states and a promise of a representational government. Twelve years later congress ratified ten amendments which provided civil liberties to all Citizens, these first ten amendments are known as the Bill of Rights. Over the years I have come to associate many of these rights to the First Amendment. The First Amendment guarantees our rights to religion, speech, press and assembly. By exploring these freedoms, I will demonstrate how this amendment is the most important to me. The First Amendment's guarantee of religious freedom was influenced by the colonial practice of relative religious freedom. Pilgrims and Puritan dissenters from England seeking religious freedom formed many of the early colonies. Religious leaders such as John Winthrop, Roger Williams, and eventually William Penn arrived in the New World to promote their idea of religious beliefs based in Scripture and not political agenda. Today, we honor and respect this basic right. With the events of September 11, 2001 still exploding in our hearts and our memories, religious tolerance was tested. Some took it upon themselves to lash out unjustly against a religion and will be brought to justice for their crimes. The First Amendment protects the Muslim faith as it protects all faiths. The founding fathers of the Bill of Rights, James Madison, George Mason and Thomas Jefferson made it clear that a government should function according to basic human decency and morality, not religion. Freedom of Speech has been a subject of discussions for years and probably for years to come. True freedom of speech did not exist until 1925 when the United States Supreme Court ruled in Gitlow v. People of New York that freedom of speech must be included in the Fourteenth Amendment. ...
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
The Five Sexes, Revisited Essay Essays
The Five Sexes, Revisited Essay Essays The Five Sexes, Revisited Essay Paper The Five Sexes, Revisited Essay Paper Essay Topic: The Visit The reading The Five Sexes. Revisited was about the deceit of today’s two-sex system in society. The cardinal issue Anne Fausto-Sterling addresses is that there are people born outside of dimorphism and most people do non understand this ( pg. 122 ) . The most of import point or cardinal statement is that the two-sexes. male and female should no longer be accepted. Alternatively. five-sexes should be accepted: male. female. â€Å"herms†. â€Å"merms†. and ferms†( pg. 121 ) . An of import fact the writer makes is. â€Å"†¦we calculated that for every 1. 000 kids born. 17 are intersexual in some form†( pg. 122 ) . This spot of information proves that there are babies born between the sexes male and female. It is of import for people to recognize that assorted babes are in being. Anne Fausto-Sterling besides portions a narrative of a born intersexual. â€Å"Consider for case. the life of Max Beck: Born intersexual. Max was surgically assigned as a female and systematically raised as such. Had her medical squad followed her into her early mid-twentiess. they would hold deemed her assignment a success because she was married to a adult male. Within a few old ages. nevertheless. Beck had come out as a dike lesbian†( pg. 124 ) . It all comes down to society and this narrative proves it. If the universe were more unfastened to these sex issues. so we would non hold these issues in the first topographic point. In Max’s instance. being born intersexual would non hold been an issue in Max’s life. Alternatively. the physicians chose Max’s gender without any consent from Max. Another interesting fact that Anne Fausto-Sterling uses to endorse up her statement is â€Å"The logical construction of the commonly used footings â€Å"true intersex. †â€Å"male pseudohermaphrodite†and â€Å"female pseudohermaphrodite†indicates that merely the alleged true intersex is a echt mix of male and female†¦Because true intersexs are rare – perchance merely one in 100. 000 – such a categorization system supports the thought that human existences are an perfectly dimorphous species†( pg. 124 ) . The writer makes her argument stronger with this fact because she is connoting that those who have hidden male and female parts are non â€Å"true†mixes ; hence. the little per centum of â€Å"true†intersexs is so infinitesimal that the lone sexes that should be considered are male and female. The issue is. nevertheless. is that there are still many people with concealed parts inside them that the society does non take into consideration. which is take downing to those â€Å"merms†and â€Å"herms. †The Five Sexes. Revisted aids do it apparent that gender is non an issue if society would non do it an issue. The writer makes it clear that gender is socially constructed. construing the differences between sexes. ranking males higher ; nevertheless. there are adult females merely every bit masculine as some work forces. It is true that many extremely masculine people are in fact adult females. and some of the most feminine people are work forces. There are many misconceptions with the sexes and the stereotypes associated with them. The boundaries dividing work forces and adult females are non easy to specify. which implies that work forces should non be considered overmastering or have more privileges than adult females.
Monday, November 4, 2019
Maximization of Shareholder Wealth Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Maximization of Shareholder Wealth - Assignment Example The ethical principles on the other hand are presented by most texts on business ethics to function independently and usually contrary to the financial objectives like maximizing the value of common stock. This is evident in most corporations where there exists a tension between the ethical and the financial ideals. For instance, Halbert and Ingulli (1990) highlight the disparity between ethics and maximization of shareholder wealth by the description of a study, which involved around two thousand MBA students. Beginning as relative idealists, they reported the desire of creating quality goods and services, to be able to serve the customers and at the same time give back to the local communities they belonged. By the graduation time, they were rather much oriented to maximizing the shareholders’ values. This disparity is also observed as the conflict of philosophies, which is there between any serious treatment of ethics and wealth maximizing. Maximization of shareholder wealth is strategies, which will ensure highest possible returns. This may even involve the strategies of laying off some of the organization’s employees to achieve this. Some activities, which are good for the society, may compromise the strategy and may be ignored in this process. The customer and the environment may also not be considered in this process that much since; the customer may not be completely comfortable with the
Saturday, November 2, 2019
How harry potter fans conceptualise and talk about identities Essay
How harry potter fans conceptualise and talk about identities - Essay Example According to time magazine the aspects of political and social of harry potter (2007), led to the American civil war. About the message in Harry Porter, Rowling states that she wishes to join different world without problems of hierarchy, bigotry and notion of cleanliness. Further states that before ministries are taken over, there are disagreements to regimes that are known and loved. Rowling advocates that authorities should be questioned and not to fully trust the press. (Time magazine, 2007) Main body Rowling encountered big opposition on matters of education against indoctrination. This has clearly been demonstrated on the issue of gay raised by Bill O’Reilly. He was accusing Potter for indoctrinating children to gay, through an outing by his character Albus Dumbledore. In his defense, senior editor Tina Jordan brushed it off as an argument that is shallow. Tina further stated that gay people are well known, and it did not matter whether people knew or not. On continued d iscussion, O’Reilly pointed a finger at Rowling for teaching acceptance and equivalence of homosexuals and heterosexual. On the contrary, his guest Dennis Miller stated that acceptance was good and a child could not be indoctrinated into being gay. (weekly,2003) Catholic Church also had a problem with the books written by Rowling. An organization of roman church in America, accused Rowling of using occult language and mechanisms to indoctrinate children to gay. In Berkley Beacon’s opinion, he says that one parent’s view of indoctrination could be another’s education. Berkley had the intention of countering charges against Rowling that her books promoted homosexuality. At the pick of the controversy, Rowling stated that he did not base on Christian fundamentalists. Rowling also faced challenges with the issues of: racism, Nazism and ethnic cleansing. On the issue of racism, she was not pessimistic but realistic it could be changed. Further, Rowling argued that a committed racist will not be changed by Harry Potter. After Deathly Hallows was published, Rowling answered the e questions on metaphors in ethnic cleansing books. According to her, ‘ethnic cleansing ‘is a political metaphor. Arguably she did not intend to create a Nazi Germany. In her book tour 2007 Rowling discussed about the disagreements to Nazism. On her website, Rowling stated that some of phrases used by Harry Potter were equally used by the Nazis. Phrases such as ‘muggle-born’, ‘half blood’ and ‘pure blood’ had the same hidden logic of death eaters. Another similarity is that of lightening bolt shaped scar. Harry received the scar as a result of a curse from Voldemort, is also a sign of sir Oswald Mosley British union of fascists; Nazi sympathizers (1930s-1940s). According to Rowling, Mosley had married Diana Mitford who had a sister Jessica, whom he named her daughter after. In 1936 Oswald and Diana got married in Be rlin and Adolf Hitler was a guest. Rowling further noted that Unity, Mitford’s sister an arch-fascist was Hitler’s favorite. Narcissa black Harry’s story was developed by Jessica’s story; Diana Mosley married Oswald Mosley (death eater). Her sister unity, was a death eater too. Jessica Mitford married Ted Tonk (muggle-born), even though the family was against it. Since she had eloped with Esmond Romilly her cousin, she was send away by her family. These disagreements were noted by a communist paper in America
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