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Political Geography and Ownership of the Oceans
Political Geography and Ownership of the Oceans The control and responsibility for seas has for quite some time been a dubious theme. Sin...
Tuesday, December 31, 2019
B. Du Bois - 1868 Words
W. E. B. Du Bois was. Du Bois grew up in Massachusetts, but then moved south where he attended Harvard University. Moving south he began to realize the problems of racial prejudice. Du Bois did much documentation of African Americans and their fight for equality. He had learned so much to mention in The Souls of Black Folk that the problem of the twentieth century is the problem of the color line. Du Bois devoted much of his life to The Souls of Black Folk was not well received when it first appeared. Houston A. Baker, Jr. explained in his Black Literature in America that white Americans were not ready to respond favorably to Du Bois s scrupulously accurate portrayal of the hypocrisy, hostility, and brutality of white America toward black America. Many blacks were also shocked by the book because Du Bois announced his opposition to the conciliatory policy of Booker T. Washington and his followers, who favored assimilation and argued for the gradual development of the Negro race through vocational training. Du Bois declared: So far as Mr. Washington apologizes for injustice, North or South, does not rightly value the privilege and duty of voting, belittles the emasculating effects of caste distinctions, and opposes the higher training and ambition of our brighter mindsâ€â€so far as he, the South, or the Nation, does thisâ€â€we must unceasingly and firmly oppose him. By every civilized and peaceful method we must strive for the rights which the world accords to men. InShow MoreRelatedB. Du Bois928 Words  | 4 Pagesthe greatest leaders in African American history was born. William Edward Burghardt Du Bois, better known as W.E.B. Du Bois is one of the greatest scholar, writer, editor, and civil rights activist. Many civil rights leaders and other important black leaders and role models see W.E.B Du Bois as the father of the Civil Rights Movement. W.E.B Du Bois paved the way for many African Americans in the country. Du Bois played a very influential role in many movements that would help the African AmericanRead MoreB. Du Bois1593 Words  | 7 Pagesforgotten name that is not brought up in these discussions is W.E.B. Du Bois. An author, speaker, teacher, protester, sociologist, historian, certainly a renaissance man in the truest sense of the phrase. As an author, many of his writings have been very influential, from the time they were released and still to this day. As a spea ker, Du Bois was often outspoken and made it a point to be clear where he stood on an issue. Du Bois the teacher was a very intelligent man who was growing into his viewsRead MoreB. Du Bois Essay1447 Words  | 6 PagesW.E.B. Du Bois was a major force in twentieth-century society, whose aim in life was to help define African-American social and political causes in the United States. History writes that W.E.B. Du Bois was a sociologist, historian, civil rights activist, and Pan-Africanist. However, white people who feared him labeled him a trouble maker and some black people saw him as an outcast. No matter what Du Bois’s critics thought about him, Du Bois was the voice of African-American fight for equality. AsRead MoreTheu.s. B. Du Bois1310 Words  | 6 PagesSame Ideas, Different Results For more than a hundred years, important African-American leaders such as Booker T. Washington and W.E.B. Du Bois have been both acclaimed and cherished in our society’s history books for their individual efforts in the struggle for the civil and political advancement of African-Americans. These two seem to be the main advocates for the advancement of African-Americans in the United States of American after the Civil War, but both had a different approach to it. AlthoughRead MoreBooker T. Washington. B. Du Bois1138 Words  | 5 PagesJoseph L. Pendleton English 101 20 November 2014 Booker T. Washington and W.E.B. Du Bois Essay Booker T. Washington and W.E.B Du Bois had significantly different views on how blacks could move towards attaining racial equality during the late nineteenth century in the United States. Washington believed that blacks should work hard to earn economic freedom by means of striving for strong education objectives. Du Bois believed that only political empowerment and voting could end African AmericansRead MoreThe Comet By W. E. B. Du Bois Essay1494 Words  | 6 Pages it is vital to reexamine and revise thoughts and actions in order to prepare for the future. An invisible type of racism that can be revealed with reexamination often times is institutional racism. The short story, â€Å"The Comet†written by W. E. B. Du Bois, is a story set in a post-apocalyptic world. The story shows that in order to bring down barriers of racism, it requires a catastrophic event to occur. Another story that focuses on a similar concept of institutional racism, but uses science fictionRead MoreWilliam Edward Burghardt (. B. ) Du Bois1085 Words  | 5 Pages William Edward Burghardt (W.E.B.) Du Bois was a successful author of many books and an accomplished student. He supported women s rights and the equality of African-American people. He had a pretty ordinary childhood, but his adult life was full of many accomplishments. He began to show a love and talent for reading and writing at a young age and this continued throughout his life. W.E.B. was born February 23, 1868 in Great Barrington, Massachusetts, a mostly European American townRead MoreCivil Rights Activist. B. Du Bois1789 Words  | 8 PagesMike Rinehart W.E.B. Du Bois Review Civil Rights Activist W.E.B. Du Bois tackles a difficult era in American History following the Civil War which is known as Reconstruction. The era itself is well known for its lack of objectivity in the ways it has been viewed by white historians prior to the publication of this book in 1935. Du Bois book, Black Reconstruction in America: An Essay Toward a History of the Part Which Black Folk Played in the Attempt to Reconstruct Democracy in America, 1860–1880Read MoreThe Souls Of Black Folk By. B Du Bois860 Words  | 4 PagesThe Souls of Black Folk by W.E.B Du Bois, is an article on a African-American living in the United States. In this piece of literature Du Bois harshly portrays the personal and third person accounts African – American struggles during a period of slavery. The author uses many songs to depict the cruel life in four essays. In this piece Du Bois coins two main terms, â€Å"double consciousness†and â€Å"the Veil.†Overall the aut hor provides the reader how the twentieth century is the problem of the color lineRead MoreJohn Dewey, Paulo Freire And W. E. B. Du Bois929 Words  | 4 Pagesphilosophies or contributions to society are fully realized. This is true of John Dewey, Paulo Freire, and W.E.B. Du Bois. They were beacons in the dark lighting the way for society. Each progressive during their generation. This first analysis paper will look at the lives, beliefs, ethics, perceptions of justice, and ideas on current educational practice of Dewey, Freire, and Du Bois. Individuals are effected by the lives they live. According to David Hansen in the book titled, Ethical Visions
Monday, December 23, 2019
Comparison of Booker T. Washingtons Up from Slavery and...
Literary Devices in Rhetorical Writing During a time period when slavery had finally come to an end, African Americans still struggled as their opportunities for equality were next to nonexistent. In this time of hardship and unfair treatment, not many of those facing these adversities had the courage to speak out on their beliefs for change; Booker T. Washington and WEB Dubois, however, did not possess such fears  both thoroughly articulated their opinions and stood for what they believed was right. Booker T. Washington and WEB Dubois shared a few commonalities  both men were highly educated, for example, as well as they both expressed strong opposition against segregation. Washington’s Up from Slavery: An Autobiography and Dubois’†¦show more content†¦The phrase â€Å"cast down your buckets where you are†is especially significant in his attempt to glorify common labor, referring to the abundance of resources present in this world (Wash ington 2). In sections five through seven, Washington repeatedly uses this phrase in the beginning of consecutive sentences, exemplifying anaphora; this literary device reiterates the significance of his words, strengthening his argument as to why freed slaves would benefit from common labor. Another literary device employed in â€Å"The Atlanta Exposition Address†is metonymy, which can be found in the phrase â€Å"separate as the fingers, yet one as the hand in all things essential to mutual progress,†as well as in â€Å"the organs of religious bodies, joined in the general chorus of condemnation or demands for retraction†(Washington 2,5). This representative â€Å"part-of-a-whole†strategy directly links the subject to the writer’s key points, thus creating a deeper connection and increasing their impact on the audience. A prominent literary device in â€Å"Of Mr. Booker T. Washington and Others†is its structure. Dubois organizes the t ext in a way that maximizes the effectiveness of his message, which was to point out the flaws in Washington’s propositions. He begins by explaining Booker T. Washington’s success, after which he provides background
Sunday, December 15, 2019
Ethics and Strategic Plan Free Essays
Week 2 Individual assignment Abstract Reviews the role of ethics and social responsibilities in developing a strategic plan while considering stakeholder needs and agendas. Reviews the four key responsibilities and priorities as stated by Carroll; economic, legal, ethical, and discretionary responsibilities. Discusses the importance of integrating ethical and social responsibilities in a strategic plan. We will write a custom essay sample on Ethics and Strategic Plan or any similar topic only for you Order Now Uses Enron an example of a company overstepping ethical boundaries and discusses measures that could be taken to avoid future unethical behavior by a company. Ethics According to Lantos (2001) â€Å"It is no news that today’s business organizations are expected to exhibit ethical behavior and moral management. However, over the past half century the bar has been steadily raised. Now, not only are firms expected to be virtuous, they are being called to practice â€Å"social responsibility†or â€Å"corporate citizenship†(Carroll 2000, p. 187), accepting some accountability for societal welfare†(p. 1). Ethical and social responsibilities are a necessity in developing a strategic plan. There are four key responsibilities an organization needs to establish when developing a strategic plan. These four responsibilities integrated together will meet most needs and agendas of the stakeholders. Role of Ethics and Social Responsibility in Developing a Strategic Plan â€Å"Should strategic decision makers be responsible only to the shareholders, or do they have broader responsibilities? †(Wheelen Hunger, 2010, p. 72). The strategic decision makers are the individuals creating the strategic plan, incorporating both ethical and social responsibilities into the company’s plan can be a burden and compromises need to be taken into consideration to meet both ethical and social responsibilities while meeting stakeholders needs and agendas. Stakeholders are referred to as individuals who are â€Å"affected or are affected by the achievement of the firm’s objectives†Wheelen, T. , ; Hunger, J. (2010). Archie B. Carroll, a business management author and professor states, â€Å"proposes that the managers of business organizations have four responsibilities listed in order of priority: Economic responsibility to produce goods or services of value to society so the firm can repay its creditors and shareholders. Legal responsibility as defined by government laws, the management is expected to obey. Ethical responsibility to follow generally held beliefs about behavior in a society. Discretionary responsibility are voluntary obligations a corporation assumes†(Wheelen ; Hunger, 2010, p. 73). With these four responsibilities, a company when establishing their strategic plan, they must incorporate these fundamental responsibilities in a means that would satisfy the stakeholders needs and agendas. The company must consider all risks, company performance, strategies to meet performance, and social responsibility policies while creating measurable indicators to demonstrate the progress of the company when developing the strategic plan. Once the strategic plan has been developed, communication of the plan to the stakeholders is an important part of the process. By communicating the strategic plan to the stakeholders, all affected individuals or groups will become aware of the path the company is headed. Example of Overstepping Ethical Boundaries As referenced earlier, a company has responsibilities to meet when establishing a strategic plan. Ethical responsibility is listed as the second priority a company needs to meet according to Carroll. When overstepping ethical boundaries, a company exposes stakeholders to risks that do not meet their needs. An example of an organization that has displayed this behavior and acting in the company’s interest was Enron. Enron overstepped the ethical boundaries which in the end cost the stakeholders, which mainly was the employees, billions of dollars for their own personal gain. Enron through various unethical decisions, mislead employees and investors by manipulating the accounting entries to make the company to be more profitable than the true represented dollars were. At the time of the Enron incident, there were inadequate government legal or regulatory process in place, if such processes were in place, the Enron incident could have been prevented. Preventative measure that have been established by the government have assisted in reducing the risk to the stakeholders in an organization. A financial auditing company approved by the government is now required to audit financial reports of a company. Pension plans are no longer administered by the company, a third party firm is required to administer a company’s pension plan to prevent overstepping ethical boundaries. Conclusion With past scandals in the business world, companies have been establishing roles of ethics and social responsibility in developing a strategic plan while considering stakeholder needs and agendas. Carroll has identified four key responsibilities a company needs to address when developing a strategic plan. Economic, legal, ethical, and discretionary responsibilities, listed in order of priority, are represented to show how an organization can integrate social and ethical responsibilities in a strategic plan. The example provided of Enron has illustrated how a company has overstepped the ethical boundaries and causing risks to the stakeholders. Since the Enron incident, the government established processes to prevent unethical behavior as what happened with Enron to protect the stakeholders of the company. References Carroll, A. B. (2000), â€Å"The four faces of corporate citizenship,†in Business Ethics 00/01, Richardson, J. E. (Ed). , Dushkin/McGraw-Hill, Guilford, CT, pp. 187-191. Lantos, G. (2001, June). The Boundaries of Strategic Corporate Social Responsibility. Wheelen, T. , ; Hunger, J. (2010). Concepts in strategic management and business policy achieving sustainability (12th ed. ). Retrieved from The University of Phoenix eBook Collection. How to cite Ethics and Strategic Plan, Essay examples
Saturday, December 7, 2019
Debut Albums and Wonderful Thing free essay sample
How does the nightingale describe Love? Surely Love is a wonderful thing. It is more precious than emeralds, and dearer than fine opals. Pearls and pomegranates cannot buy it, not is it set forth in the market- place. It may not be purchased of the merchants, nor can it be weighed out in the balance for gold. Love is more desirable than precious stones such as emeralds or fine opals. It cant be bought by pearls and pomegranates or sold in the market- lace. Oscar Willed uses metaphor to describe love: Love is a wonderful thing. The tone of the nightingale is confident while talking about love because she knows a lot about it. 2) How does the nightingale describe the student? Here at last is a true lover, said the Nightingale. Night after night have I sung of him, though I knew him not: night after night have I told his story to the stars, and now I see him. We will write a custom essay sample on Debut Albums and Wonderful Thing or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page His hair is dark as the hyacinth-blossom, and his lips are red as the SSE of his desire; but passion has made his lace like pale ivory, and sorrow has set her seal upon his brow. The nightingale describes the student as a true romantic. Shes a singer so she always sings about love and shes saying that she sings about him even though she hasnt met him. Oscar Willed uses simile to describe the student a lot such as his hair is dark as the hyacinth-blossom,
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