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Political Geography and Ownership of the Oceans
Political Geography and Ownership of the Oceans The control and responsibility for seas has for quite some time been a dubious theme. Sin...
Thursday, May 21, 2020
My Personal Statement Of One Phone Call - 1408 Words
Who would have thought that one phone call could change my whole life? I recall I was in the kitchen grabbing a snack from the fridge when my phone rang. I remember that before even hanging up with Ms. Rola, I found all my family around me hugging and congratulating me. I couldn’t believe it at first. After years of hard work, I made it to AUB with a full scholarship to a major that I always had a passion in. Something to be proud of, right? I was thrilled, but scared at the same time. I knew that AUB will be a big challenge, a different environment with different people and a different lifestyle. Nevertheless, I was up for it. I always wanted to become an AUB student yet it was a burden to afford such prestigious education, knowing that my father is the only breadwinner of the family. He used to always tell me: â€Å"Do not worry about the money, everything will work out eventually†, but I knew that he was just comforting me. By the time I got the call, I was already p lanning my next year at a public university. I still remember my father’s face the moment he knew about the scholarship as he hugged me and whispered to me that he is very proud of my achievements. The first few days at AUB were weird. People here were different! I was lost and I didn’t know anybody here. The whole campus gave me a hard time but I was determined to make it through. During my sophomore year, I had the chance to be involved in multiple community service activities. I joined Farah Al Ataa inShow MoreRelatedRecruiting, Hiring, Evaluating, and Compensating1194 Words  | 5 PagesConducting my research for this class project, I have learned that conducting a thorough job analysis is an important step in filling a job opening as well as contributing to the successful growth of an organization in terms of finances and talented workers. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Support Clients to Make Use of the Advice and Guidance...
AG2 Support Clients to make use of the advice and guidance service When conducting an IAG interview it is vital as an advisor that I am able to clarify the client’s requirements and circumstances in order to agree with them the best course of action to help them achieve their goals or to be able to signpost them to other external organisations and charities. Most clients I give advice and guidance to are jobseekers aged between 18 and 60 or those who are at risk of redundancy. All of my clients have a variety of different situations and aspirations and need to be treated as individuals. The room in which IAG is conducted in is private, spacious and clutter free in order to allow the client to feel secure and allow them to feel relaxed†¦show more content†¦As my clients come to see me to help them to find work through either training or employability skills it is important that I have had information on the local labour market, job roles and training courses for them to browse. I also have information, that from my experiences within the employment and welfare to work sectors I have found to be useful to clients when exploring the reasons that they are currently unemployed. Such information is on benefits, local authorities, counselling services, childcare provision, support groups and volunteering resources. I also have established links with a large number of third sector and employability agencies that I am able to refer and signpost clients to. When conducting advice and guidance interviews, it is essential that the client has fully understood a service or a particular course of action so that they can agree that it will be helping them towards their goals and fit in with their individual circumstances. If any such service does not fulfil the requirements and needs of the client then another option must be suggested, or a solution so that the client can use the service. One of the most common examples of clients not being able to attend training sessions is due to the cost of childcare, or having nobody to look after the children. I have agreed with Job Centre Plus that childcare provision can be arranged and paid for by them on behalf of theShow MoreRelatedHealth And Social Of Health1357 Words  | 6 Pagesqualitative service to the individual. This essay will consider the ways in which health and safety requirements have an impact on the customer and the work of practitioners in the health and social care sector. 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Personal Ethics Statement Free Essays
Personal Ethics Statement Jessica Dockery GEN/195 February 28, 2012 Jennifer Meunier Personal Ethics Statement To be ethical means to do the right thing and to be the best person one knows how without being judgmental of others, especially if their intentions are honorable. One should get in the habit of displaying good values and morals at all times. When thinking of a personal ethics statement, the Ten Commandments come to mind. We will write a custom essay sample on Personal Ethics Statement or any similar topic only for you Order Now The Ten Commandments state that thou shall have no other gods, no graven images or likenesses, not take the Lord’s name in vain, remember the Sabbath day, honor thy father and thy mother, thou shall not kill, thou shall not commit adultery, thou shall not steal, thou shall not bear false witness, and thou shall not covet. These things were taught and practiced even in the bible days and have been passed on from generation to generation. Although these commandments are not taken into consideration at all times, it is known that this is the way one should try living their life daily. The ethics game helped to determine the level of morals, values, and standards a person has. It also explained how one might deal or reason in certain situations. After completing the ethical lens inventory, no ethical lens was determined. This means that the preferred lens was neither periscope nor paralysis. A person that is neither periscope nor paralysis sees the gifts and weaknesses of both and is able to adapt to different situations and get the best results possible. This type of person is non judgmental and considers all things before coming to a conclusion. According to the ethical lens inventory, autonomy and equality are valued equally. Their belief is that everyone has a valid point. No blind spot was determined. The maturity of this person sees both strengths and weaknesses and is able to bring together the four core values of autonomy, equality, rationality, and sensibility. There is a downside to being able to see everyone’s perspective. This may cause confusion with one’s self. Listen to the heart, do not ignore the head, and act with confidence. Exhibiting good personal ethics is something one may want to make habit of. People are often put in situations where those morals and values must come in to play. No one wants to be a called a snitch, but sometimes one must put personal feelings aside. If a person is working alongside another coworker, and they see this coworker pocketing money from the register, the ethical thing to do would be to report this to higher management. This person is obviously untrustworthy and bad news. Everyone has a personal responsibility to ensure the safety and upkeep of their community, work environment, and school. Personal ethics, simply put, means to do the right thing. How to cite Personal Ethics Statement, Essay examples
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